Easiest Super Greens Salad Mix

I am bringing a super greens salad mix today. Shred some cheese on it! Your bowl will look like a green forest with snowflakes on it.

super greens salad mix

This super greens salad bowl brings together some of the most nutritious green leaves raw broccoli, and it makes a perfect raw vegan side salad you would like to eat, even though you may not be vegan at all.

I am a super fan of salads. Food that is green makes me especially happy. There are other combinations in the previous posts, such as arugula mozzarella salad, wonderful summer green salad, and (talking of greens). This vegan walnut parsley pesto makes a precious ingredient for healthy fast food.

super greens

However, to make this mixed salad with super greens I chose:

  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Endive
  • Romaine
  • Raw Broccoli

While you might think that a green salad is a safe choice for any gathering, some types of lettuce are better suited for different occasions. For example, Romaine lettuce is a good option for BBQ, while iceberg lettuce is better for a Thanksgiving feast. 

When creating your green salad bowl, you need to pick fresh greens from your closest farmers’ market and be comfortable combining them with your favorite vinaigrette.

balsamic vinaigrette

Some of the world’s healthiest greens: Arugula, endive, spinach, and Romaine lettuce are packed with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They’re also low in calories and carbs, making them perfect for weight loss and healthy eating.

I loved these tips on how always to eat seasonally. Not only will this help to keep your costs down, but it will also ensure that you’re eating fresh, locally-grown greens.

As you’ll soon see, there’s more to this simple dish than meets the eye! Be sure to have a selection of super greens and dressings so the entire family can add to this perfect salad. You could even put out a few different types of lettuce leaves so your party guests can choose from a wider variety.


Do not expect a mix of super greens salad to be sweet or savory.

Some people may find the bitterness of arugula to be too strong. If this is the case, you can do a few things to make the salad less bitter. 

  1. One way is to add a sweeter vegetable like tomatoes, cucumbers, or bell peppers. 
  2. Shake in a jar some creamy balsamic vinegar and olive oil to make a balsamic vinaigrette. However, you can jump into a classic vinaigrette with lemon juice and olive oil. But this is not what I did.
  3. Slice an apple. It never fails! Apples make salads pretty magical.
  4. My solution to this bitterness is shredded cheese. Feta cheese, Parmesan, Pecorino, or Provolone would work well. I shredded enough to get some in every bite. It mellows out the bitterness and creates a cheesy taste that is irresistible.
green salad bowl with shredded cheese

Shred a generous amount of your favorite cheese; that’s the secret.

Can you see it has snowed on my salad? Well, that’s a LOT of Parmesan. That was my choice.

Don’t get me wrong, vegans, you can leave the cheese out or pick a vegan cheese. Vegan cheese has a firmer texture than non-vegan cheese, and it goes just perfectly with this salad!


One reason to add a raw vegetable in a green salad recipe is that it adds flavor and texture. Raw vegetables are crunchy enough for bringing a new vibe to a salad. This can keep things exciting and make you want to eat salad more often.

raw broccoli salad

Another reason to add a raw vegetable in a super greens salad mix is that it helps you to consume more vegetables. If you struggle to eat the recommended amount of vegetables per day, adding them to your salad is a great way to sneak them in.

Adding an ingredient you do not like into a salad bowl is a fantastic way to make it palatable. Raw vegetables can be tart, bitter, or spicy, so mixing them in a salad with other ingredients can help to balance out their flavors. If you are struggling to add raw vegetables to your diet, start adding them to salads.

If you choose not to cook a vegetable, this is an intelligent way to get used to the original taste. You may enjoy their natural taste more than the cooked version. If you want to increase your vegetable intake, try eating them raw.

super greens salad mix

I used this simple trick myself to eat wider varieties and more colorful meals. It’s healthy, I need that better skin! 😁

Unless you like eating things raw, you can’t turn raw vegan overnight. If you want to add more raw vegetables to your diet, start by making small changes.

Try adding a few extra raw vegetables to your regular meals, or try eating one or two raw meals per week. Once you get comfortable eating raw vegetables, you can gradually increase the number of natural meals you eat each week.

This is the method I have used to cut off sugar and eat more quick&healthy meals.

Except for the nutrition part, do not forget that tossing plays the most critical role when it comes to presenting a beautiful salad.


How you toss your green salad can make or break it. You want to make sure that the dressing is distributed evenly through all the ingredients. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Have you leaves cleaned, dried and crispy. This is crucial if you want to make a good impression. Serving your salad cold and crisp will make you seem a chef.
  • In a separate bowl, use your hands to toss the salad until all leaves look equally shiny. Do this very gently. Tossing the salad with your hands is a 100% successful technique because you know when the salad is evenly coated. This technique is still used in a lot of restaurants.
  • Slowly add olive oil, like a sprinkle. Add as much as it gives it a glow… which means (again) only a sprinkle and make sure you gently swirl the leaves around your hands, so they get lightly coated.
  • Then add sea salt. Seasoning the leaves with a dash of sea salt and black pepper then drizzling your salad dressing onto your salad can give it a nice, even crunch.
  • Another tasty way to get an even coat is to brush it on or dip the pieces of lettuce in your dressing before you start assembling them into your salad bowl.

Although it is a quick solution, I don’t strongly suggest the last piece of advice. Do not apply to dip the leaves unless that salad is only yours, and you will eat it right away. 😄This is a little risky for a leafy salad because leaves become soggy real quick!

You want it to look fresh, for as long as possible.

mixed salad with super greens

I repeat, unless this green salad is only for you, you better avoid this method.

It just depends on your preference and what you have available. Experiment and see what works best for you!

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Super Greens Salad Mix

Super Greens Salad Mix

  • Author: Neyona
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 23 servings 1x
  • Diet: Vegan


This salad packs lots of vitamins and antioxidants into a single bowl. It goes with every main dish. The best part is that it comes together under 10mins and is exceptionally versatile.


Units Scale
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 2 cups endive
  • 2 cups arugula
  • 2 cups romaine
  • 3 cups raw broccoli
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (Parmigiana)
  • balsamic vinaigrette


  • Make sure all the leaves are washed well and then dried.
  • Wrap with a cooking towel or put them into a salad bowl to keep them cool and crispy in the fridge.
  • Prepare the balsamic dressing in a jar. Put 2 tbsp balsamic vinaigrette, 4 tbsp olive oil, some salt, and freshly ground black pepper.
  • Gently toss the leaves in a salad bowl with sprinkles of olive oil.
  • Shred some of your favorite cheese on top of the salad.
  • Serve and let everyone add as much dressing as they like. 
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Salad
  • Method: no cook
  • Cuisine: Mediterranean

Keywords: green salad vegan salad raw vegetable salad


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